These rewards enable players to become more powerful by purchasing rare materials and equipping them to face deadlier foes. Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood quests reward 20,000 gold, the Blade of Woe (which steals health from opponents), and the Ancient Shrouded Armor set. Dragonborns who have the stomach to continue are rewarded with gold, armor, and weapons. Their contracts may result in players halting all progress toward the Dark Brotherhood's quests. Many charming characters, such as Lurbuk, must be killed to progress the guild's main questline. Players may find their favorite merchant or bard becoming their next target. The Dark Brotherhood's greatest drawback is its merciless killing of many characters. Related: Elder Scrolls 6: How The Fighter's Guild Could Return After Skyrim However, Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood abandoned this worship and adopted independent styles of operation. The Dark Brotherhood's previous iterations took their orders from the Night Mother, the burnt husk of a woman who speaks Sithis' desires to a chosen member of the Brotherhood. Their core tenets revolve around their worship of Sithis, the Dread-Father, the deity of emptiness, and the Void.

The Dark Brotherhood once held dominion over all of Tamriel and presented a considerable threat in other Elder Scrolls titles. Players will have the opportunity to join the Dark Brotherhood during their darkest times and have a chance to return the group to its former glory. However, their membership has fallen due to the downsides of the organization and a departure from their core tenants. Similar to the Thieves Guild, the Dark Brotherhood once held great sway in Skyrim's criminal underworld. The Dark Brotherhood in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an infamous assassination guild that equips players with powerful weapons and armor to eliminate individuals.