runewords however are good throughout the entire playthrough. finding a unique on the ground thats usable is very unlikely. the best advice i could give you is to farm countess a lot and use the runes on good weapons. going elemental is out of a question since they need al ltheir skill points in synergies. you could respec to summon grizzly once you hit higher difficulty and rely on it solely for tanking whily you deal damage. summons alone tend to be very very effective in normal difficulty, but they fall off very fast in end of nightmare/hell. bear with fireclaw or wolf with rabies/fury. What you could do is max dire wolf early on and use any shapeshift to deal dps. Generally you want several type of damage, not only physical. And if you plan to solely go summon, you'll have a lot of trouble against immunities. Melee characters in single player are very gear dependant.