Is there any trick / solution / workaround with Dorico? Perhaps making dynamics changes to CC1 fractionally early? In Cubase I guess I could put the two articulations on separate BBCSO instances / tracks with CC1 fully up on the staccato instance, or just edit each transition, but I’d love to be able to use Dorico to write and play back and there’s the potential for a superb workflow with BBCSO… if I can get my dynamics transitions! CC1 is not ramping up until fractionally after the note is played and since BBCSO uses CC1 (along with velocity) only to affect the initial dynamic of staccato articulations (not continuously, like in long arco articulations) the velocity is high for that first staccato but CC1 is still low when the note sounds, so the entire note is quiet.

Using Violin 1, if I transition from, say, pp long notes arco directly to fff spiccato (the fff and staccato attached to the note). I’m not that experienced with Dorico, and have one issue. This is fantastic – thanks for putting these together – very tempting now to upgrade from Discover to Core or Pro!

BBCSO Core Template (zip, updated 19th May 2021).

BBCSO Discover Template (zip, updated 18th February 2021).We have created some Dorico project templates and playback templates for this library so that you can use it more easily in your projects in Dorico Pro, Elements or SE. Spitfire Audio’s BBC Symphony Orchestra library is available in three editions, Discover (£49 or free), Core (£399) and Pro (£899).