
Civ 6 units list
Civ 6 units list

Unique units now replacing this unit: French Garde Imperiale and English Redcoat.Unique units that will upgrade into this unit: Spanish Conquistador and Ottoman Janissary.Line Infantry: Industrial Era Musketman upgrade. Unique units now replacing this unit: Norwegian Berserker, Japanese Samurai, and Georgian Khevsur.Unique units that will upgrade into this unit: Roman Legion, Kongolese Ngao Mbeba, Macedon Hypaspist, Persian Immortal, Maori Toa, and Gallic Gaesatae.Man-At-Arms: Medieval Era Swordsman upgrade. Units now replacing this unit: Khmer Domrey.Cannot move and attack on the same turn unless they’ve earned the Expert Crew Promotion. Trebuchet: Medieval Era Catapult upgrade. The most recent pack, Portugal, launched in March and introduced a new leader in Joao III, the Navigation School and Feitoria unique structures, and more. This marks the final free update of the New Frontier Pass season of Civilization VI, which began in May 2020 and included six content packs in the last 10 months. The full list of changes and more information on all new additions can be found below.

civ 6 units list

The majority of the update includes balance adjustments for both maps and units, with the Melee and Heavy Cavalry seeing the most adjustments for units and Khmer, Mapuche, and Spain seeing the most map-based adjustments. If you’re playing as Portugal on TSL Earth Huge, expect to start right next to Spain. Both maps will have historically accurate types of resources and terrains, as well as True Starting Location (TSL) versions of each map where the capital of each player’s civilization sits in the actual real-world location of the city in question. New locales being added include the Mediterranean Large Map - a large-scale map of the Mediterranean region - as well as the Earth Huge Map, a map that spans the entire globe.

Civ 6 units list